Fixed Wheel Brewery

Month: January 2019

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Our Blackheath Stout’s a winner!

Our award-winning Blackheath Stout is back at it again. Only this time it’s gone and won us our biggest award yet! On the 29th December 2018, our very own Blackheath Stout was awarded the prestigious title of the “SUPREME beer of the West Midlands 2018”.

Blackheath Stout

Back in November, our signature brew reached The finals of the champion beer competition held at the Dudley Winter Ales Fair. Since then all fingers and toes had been crossed that our very own Blackheath Stout could make it that one step further. The fact that we then went on to WIN, to say that we were ecstatic would be an understatement!

The stout in question has been a part of our core range now since we very first started back in the autumn of 2014. Brewed with both New Zealand and English hops to give it it’s signature oaky bitterness with a dark fruits finish. It’s been busy building up its repertoire of awards. As it’s previously won a bronze award in last years stout category of CAMRA’s Champion Winter Beer of Britain. So who knows what this little beauty has got in store for us next!

Blackheath Stout award

To win this award is a massive milestone for us as a Brewery. It’s such a fantastic way for us to kick-start 2019! For us to compete with such strong competition and to come out on top is a huge achievement. We all have really worked our butts off this past year and this achievement proves that all that hard work really does pay off.

All the Fixed Wheel team would like to say a massive thank you to everyone that’s voted for us. To all pubs, bars & bottle shops that have stocked many of our Fixed Wheel beers on their taps and to all who have shown their support over the last year through visiting our Brewery Taphouse in Blackheath. Also a big shout out to those who have stopped by for a drink at our Micropub in Lye. CAMRA, we would like to say a HUGE thank you to you all for your constant support and for thinking our Blackheath Stout is as great as we all think it is!

Blackheath Stout cask

Our Blackheath Stout will be available for all to try throughout the year as part of our core range. Catch it at both our Brewery Taphouse on the weekends. Or at our Micropub on Lye High Street. It’ll also be available to order all throughout the year in both keg and cask. If you would like to contact us to get an order placed. Just drop us an email on

As we haven’t got a web store up and running on our website yet, you can always find our Blackheath stout in Keg available to buy on EeBria Trade